The Delightful Love Letter

My high school sweetheart went to college five hours away while I was still going to school as a senior in our hometown. At Christmastime, he proposed, and then he had to go back to college. That was before cell phones and emails. I looked forward to his handwritten letters and our weekly phone calls […]

Newfound Treasure

Growing up in church, but not in Christ, I had a vague knowledge of the Bible, but had no idea what treasure was buried in the Word. It was at a “God and Church” Girl Scouts class that I first learned of King James—the Bible, not the man. At the time, I decided that version […]

The Delighted Father

I was a good girl as a child. I really was. That’s what makes this story so much more surprising. Well … normally I was an obedient child, but there were times my ideas got me into trouble. When I was little, I was restricted to drinking water in the kitchen because my folks said […]


Every year I like to choose a word or phrase that helps me stay focused on what matters. It colors my view and enriches my everyday living. In big things and small, a little word can season my perspective. As I sat in church at the end of 2014, a word kept coming to mind. […]

Organize Your Life Part Two

In Part One of “Organize Your Life,” Kathy Carlton Williscovered several helpful organization tips along with spiritual applications. She explained how we can have less stress in our homes and our hearts as we get organized. In this article, she continues the topic with 4 more tips. I (Dawn) think one of the biggest consequences of […]

Organize Your Life Part One

Kathy Carlton Willis would love to see women escape the chaos of their lives. In this Organization UPGRADE, she explains how we can have less stress in our homes and our hearts as we get organized. “Lately, a phrase has been stuck like a song in my head—’Don’t put it down, put it up!’” Kathy […]

Family Reunion

So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. (Luke 15:20 NLT) The more homesick a person becomes the sweeter the plans for reuniting with family. I’m not homesick […]

Rest Is Underrated

“Mister, I need to GO,” whined Jimmy as he tugged on the ref’s pant-leg. “Okay, go tell your coach to call a time out for your team,” said the referee. “No, Mister, I need to go NOW!” pleaded Jimmy. What could the ref do, but send Jimmy to the restroom, while calling a time out. […]