Motives of the Heart

Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions? Did you break them already? They say about 50% of us took time to make them, but only 8% of us actually carry through with them! What seems to be the determining factor for success? I know for me, it all goes back to my motives. A couple […]

Greet with Grace

I’ll never forget the day my husband Russ was nearly swept off his feet, and it wasn’t by me! I enjoyed being a spectator, though. And still chuckle mightily as I think of that day. You see, Russ has never been one for public displays of affection, and for that matter, isn’t much for hugging […]

Golden Rule “Othering”

While walking Jazzy, the silly Boston Terrier, a little girl voice greeted us. “Hello Neighbor!” I looked over to the patio and discovered her family, just moving in below us at the apartment complex. Four stair-stepped children petted Jazzy while we talked with their parents. Russ and I offered to help with their move, and […]

Othering: The Gift of One-Anothering

What is the modern-day equivalent of foot-washing? It just might be changing someone else’s adult diaper. Let me back up and explain. My husband Russ is a hospice chaplain. He predominately is there to offer spiritual comfort and wisdom to terminal patients, their families, and their caregivers. He keeps the medical staff at hospice encouraged. […]

Transplant Trauma

We had just moved into our new home and the new sod, trees and landscaping floundered. Of course, it didn’t help that we were melting in a 100-degree heat wave. But the crux of the problem was transplant shock. Uprooting those green leafies from their old, comfortable setting and placing them into strange new surroundings […]

Love “Othering”

Just a few weeks after enduring Hurricane Harvey, I traveled to New Auburn, Wisconsin to lead a WordGirls Getaway. Even though I was there to encourage writers, they ended up showing such sweet love to me. You see, it rained almost the whole time. And these thoughtful ladies watched over me for any signs of […]

Encourage One Another

Lately, I’ve been paying attention to what people do for others. It’s so easy to get down on how selfish we’ve become as a society, that we lose sight of the ones who are others-focused. Maybe othering is contagious. I’m determined to start a domino effect and see what comes from it. Here are a […]

A New Kind of Survival

I’ve followed survivor Kathy Carlton Willis in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. In this special UPLIFT, she shares some insights inspired by Harvey. Kathy is always finding a way to grin through stinky days. One of her Facebook posts said, “Harvey Schmarvey! Harvey is like the unwanted house guest who doesn’t know when to leave.” […]