All About the New

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been working on a new “me” for three years now. It sure is a long process! In my case, the outward “me” weighs 65 pounds less (and counting), takes fewer medications, has more endurance, and operates with more grace and less judgment. But I’m still a work in progress. I’m glad that God is at work reinventing me from the inside out. He’s changing the things that matter for eternity.

When I start a new year, I love thinking about the word, “new.” I celebrate that God is at work, making all things new. And one day in eternity future, there will be a new heaven and a new earth. For now, let’s look at how He’s making us new. Facebook is having a challenge to show your first profile photo and your current one, to show a then-and-now type of contrast. Interesting to me how some of the ones who said God has done a work in them, had photos making me think reverse-aging was a real thing! No. It’s what God’s transformation looks like. Joy and peace are great wrinkle-releasers! Let’s see what Scripture says about being made new.

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