When you hear the word “obey,” do you flash back to a time when your parent told you to obey, or perhaps a time when you asked your child to obey? Many of us, when we hear the word, tend to bristle. Who likes to be told what to do?
I wanted so much to be a good girl that I was eager to obey—except for the times I didn’t! For example, the time I asked Mom if we could take a sheet outdoors and drape over the clothesline for Patty and me to pretend we were camping. When Mom said, “No,”… you guessed it. I asked Dad and he said it would be fine. What was I thinking? It’s not like I could hide my rebellion. It was out there like a big white flag telling on me! So of course, Mom found us, and sent Patty and me to different corners of the bedroom, to punish us for my act of disobedience. Yikes!