I love watching America Ninja Warrior and cheering on the contestants. I’m wowed by their strength and endurance. I live vicariously through the women who take on the course. I wonder what my nickname would be if I competed. I look at my muscles and like to think I’m strong. But I know I’m not that strong.
I flash back to school days. I was the gal teams picked last for dodgeball or other team sports. I was the gal who flunked trampoline because I didn’t want others laughing at me. I took an F on rope climbing too. I was that gal. Fear dominated my decisions. Fear of failure. Fear of injury. Fear of others teasing me.
Somewhere along the way, I learned the only failure is a failure to try. To try and fail is not to fail—it helps you learn your limitations and your strengths. Yes. This is true except for the America Ninja Warrior course. I don’t have to try the course to know it’s beyond my limitations. But I have my own warrior course. I work hard to gain strength physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I might not win on the American Ninja Warrior course, but I know God will strengthen me where it matters, through the course of life. Now I’m not Fear Gal, I’m God’s Grin Gal.