Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions? Did you break them already? They say about 50% of us took time to make them, but only 8% of us actually carry through with them! What seems to be the determining factor for success? I know for me, it all goes back to my motives.
A couple of years ago, I set out to pursue wellness. It wasn’t a diet, it was good nutrition. It wasn’t exercise, it was fitness. The more I focused on the positive outcomes, the more determined and disciplined I became. The results? I was able to go off of insulin, reduce my medications, and overhaul my wardrobe.
I allowed circumstances the last half of 2017 to derail me. Back-to-back-to-back challenges. Hurricane Harvey. An injury that sidelined me from my fitness plan. A multi-state speaking tour. A big move. Inviting my mom to live with us and helping with that transition. By the time the holidays rolled around, I was ready to celebrate.
So, I was eager to embrace 2018 with a renewed passion for my wellness goals. In fact, my phrase for the year is WellBeing/BeingWell. Each Wednesday I will focus on a choice that contributes to my wellbeing.